Estonian War of Independence. November 1918 - February 1920
An important part of the establishment of the Estonian state in 1917–1918 has been played by the national army units, with whose support the idea of Estonian independence was realized. The national army units became the basis for the army of independent Estonia - thus the real forces necessary for our War of Independence were concentrated in the homeland and the foundation for the organization of the people's self-defense was laid.
In 2018, 100 years will pass since the beginning of the Estonian War of Independence. The museum's collection of postal history includes nearly 700 postcards sent during the war years with stamps used in various military units.
The first part of the exhibition takes us to the years 1917–1919:
- Establishment of Estonian national army units in 1917–1918
- Field post in the Estonian War of Independence in 1919
Old letters are part of our cultural and postal history. The exhibition focuses on postal history, ie stamp prints. But there is also exciting research for those interested in history and postcards.
Enjoy and watch!
Enjoy and watch!
In the toolbar, under the information button, you will find the stamp imprint text ( in italics ), historical background information and explanations about the image.

Ispolnitelnõi Komitet voinov-estontsev / XII Armii
30.05.1917 - 12th Army Commander confirms and publishes in directive the Estonian Army Military Executive Committee 12th composition. The center of the 12th Army was in Riga.
The postcard was sent to Reval (Tallinn) (8.06.1917)
Photo: Greetings from the Riga's beach
30.05.1917 - 12th Army Commander confirms and publishes in directive the Estonian Army Military Executive Committee 12th composition. The center of the 12th Army was in Riga.
The postcard was sent to Reval (Tallinn) (8.06.1917)
Photo: Greetings from the Riga's beach

The first Finnish volunteer unit came to Tallinn on the 30.12.1918 on the ice breaker Tarmo which was led by the major Martin Ekström.
In the first company were 140 men, they arrived to front in the 5.01.1919.
In Janyary 1919 the third of the Estonian army was Finnish - 3700 men.
De Witt. Dort kämpft unser Sohn! (Our son fights there!)
The first Finnish volunteer unit came to Tallinn on the 30.12.1918 on the ice breaker Tarmo which was led by the major Martin Ekström.
In the first company were 140 men, they arrived to front in the 5.01.1919.
In Janyary 1919 the third of the Estonian army was Finnish - 3700 men.
De Witt. Dort kämpft unser Sohn! (Our son fights there!)

Svenska Kāren Estland
On the 13.02.1919 the Swedish company led by Carl Axsel Motheander arrived.
On the 13.02.1919 there was 173 men in the company.
On the 12.03 the company was sent to Paldiski and from there to the Viru front for restructing. On the first days of April the company went to the South front and was led by the the Scout battalion commander.
On the 13.02.1919 the Swedish company led by Carl Axsel Motheander arrived.
On the 13.02.1919 there was 173 men in the company.
On the 12.03 the company was sent to Paldiski and from there to the Viru front for restructing. On the first days of April the company went to the South front and was led by the the Scout battalion commander.
Exhibition committee
Compiler: Eve Aab
Consultant: Ants Linnard, Chairman of the Postal Museum Friends Association
Photos: Arp Karm
Editor: Tuuli Kaalep
Toimetaja: Tuuli Kaalep
Compiler: Eve Aab
Consultant: Ants Linnard, Chairman of the Postal Museum Friends Association
Photos: Arp Karm
Editor: Tuuli Kaalep
Toimetaja: Tuuli Kaalep
References and sources
- Andreller, Jüri, Eduard Laaman and Johannes Poopuu. Armored Trains Division in the War of Independence. Tallinn Grenader, 2009.
- Estonian War of Independence XI.1918 - II.1920. Health care part. Tallinn, 1921.
- Estonian War of Independence 1918–1920. Parts I to II. Popular scientific publication of the Commitee on the History of the War of Independence. Tallinn Committee on the History of the War of Independence, 1937.
- Grosschmidt, Eduard. Under the skull mark. Tartu K / Ü Loodus, 1935.
- Guide to collecting materials from the history of the War of Independence. Chronology of events in the struggle period of Estonian national independence 1917–1920. Tallinn Committee on the History of the War of Independence, 1936.
- Kurvits, Oskar (ed.). Album of Estonian National Armed Forces II. Tallinn Society „1. Estonian Brigade” edition, 1937
- Kurvits, Oskar. Creation of Estonian national army units 1917–1918. Society „1. Estonian Brigade ”publishing house, 1930.
- Reinvaldt, Edvin and Tõnis Kint (assembly). Wide gauge armored train no. 2 In the War of Independence. Stockholm Foreign Estonia & EEA, 1972.
- Traksmaa, August.A brief history of the War of Independence.Tallinn: Publication-Private Limited Company "Cultural Community", 1939.